Wrapped black obsidian necklace

Wrapped black obsidian necklace

£13.99 GBPSold out

This is a beautiful black obsidian necklace, wrapped in a silver wire and attached to a silver chain, so that you can wear your Crystal all day long.

The most prominent healing property to the crystal is its ability to cleanse and ground as it is rooted in the base chakra and has a strong connection to Earth. It is said to draw the negativity out and back into the Earth where it is neutralised.

The Black obsidian comes directly from a volcano which means it contains the elements of the Earth, water and fire. This combination makes it carry immense power. This stone is very good at helping you cut ties and ridding yourself of negative connections, especially if you're struggling to leave a toxic environment or relationship.

This crystal has an intense grounding energy which makes it good for bringing you back down to earth and to your centre. It's strong magnetic power means it holds a lot of health benefits too. It is said to draw out infection and help with digestive issues.

Black obsidian crystals are said to be some of the luckiest of them all as they turn bad luck into good and are particularly useful when it comes to financial gains.

Wear our wrapped black obsidian necklace to bring your own good luck and healing.

Item details:

• Wrapped Black Obsidian necklace
• Silver plated wire
• Silver plated chain
• Choice of 16" or 18" chain

Wrapped black obsidian necklace  Image 2 Wrapped black obsidian necklace  Image 3 Wrapped black obsidian necklace  Image 4
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